Lucie Sullivan | Apprentice

Lucie Sullivan is currently pursuing a B.S. in Dance and a B.S.E in Elementary Education at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She has had the opportunity to perform in several works as well as present her own choreography onstage. Lucie is a motivated and energized individual who is always looking for something to do! Currently, she is Captain of the UW Dance Team, President of the UW Chapter of “We Are Queens”, a non-profit organization, and a Campus Ambassador for Alani Nutrition. Lucie trained at GUS® and was a GUS® Company dancer from age 5 to 18! Lucie is thrilled to perform as an Apprentice with the Gus Legacy Company. Whether Lucie finds herself in a classroom or onstage, she is excited to further her artistic growth and inspire others to find movement in their own lives.